Our Clients

JDL Staffing, LLC is a full-service recruiting, consulting, and staffing firm that has perfected the business of staffing. We offer top-tier recruiting and staffing for our clients, building teams, and growing your business.

Each of our clients receives our undivided attention by learning their needs, understanding their projects, and adhering to their short and long-term goals. We have the best recruiting resources, proficiency-based techniques, and practices. We have a top-notch talent acquisition strategy and completely customer-focused processes. No matter what your staffing needs might be, we can help you recognize, captivate and recruit top-tier talent for your success team.

Project Management Solutions

We offer our staffing services for clients who make multiple hires in a short amount of time. Our goal is to build you teams with highly experienced, reliable talent. We will sit down with you and get familiar with your particular project. Finding out your needs and accomplishing your staffing goals. You can rely on JDL Staffing for looking and finding the right talent for your team. We help you manage large or long-duration projects, too. We figure out the solutions you need no matter what.

Our Consulting Services

JDL Staffing consults with you to develop a process that will help maximize the returns on your candidates and boost your efficiency when acquiring and managing talent. We’ll help you create new goals for staffing projects, and establish new objectives and metrics for success, optimizing new and existing talent programs and systems. We will help you develop your in-house hiring processes or recommend and facilitate an outsourced process if that better fits your need.

For Help building your team